Friday, January 07, 2005

Because it's bugging the hell out of me...

I have a feeling Joey will eventually post something similar, and most deffinately better than I can word it...but I've got to get this vented here as well.

What the SHIT is it with people getting engaged/married/pregnant/WHATEVER at young ages? I went to Alumni Day at school, and discovered that someone who was in the 10th grade when I graduated is engaged.

Let's add to this that K is also married, pregnant, and moved to Germany.

I also knew a girl who was engaged at 17 (thankfully, I think that they broke up).

OH! And J, is "unofficially engaged"....whatever the shit that means. And they've only been together for about 7 months.

What in the world is up with this? Joey's right with how people probably don't even know who they are at that age (DEFFINATELY not at 17), and shouldn't be getting married until closer to 25. But..Gah. I don't know. The whole idea of these people who are younger than me doing this just squicks me out for some reason. It makes me feel old. Or annoyed. Or maybe slightly jealous. Who knows.

Either way, it just angers me.



Anonymous said...

This is becoming a morning ritual with me.LOL I have to give you a slightly different view of your subject. Jody(my wife) and I were married right out of high school. I was 17,she was 18. It was a struggle but 23 years later we're still together. I won't even begin to tell you that I'd recomend anyone else do it that way but for us it worked. So,how long you and Joey gonna wait? :-) Norm(yet again)

The Kitola said...

Yeah...I know it works for some, but it's kinda rare when it does. My mom got married to her first husband real young (but he died at 22, so I don't know how that would've worked out), and my sister got married at 18. She's 30-something now and finally got out of that nasty relationship (He was such an aaaaass).

Thanks for the flip-side view, though!