Thursday, January 13, 2005

And now, a big WHAT THE SHIT!?

Greh. I'm stressing the hell out with this play. Not with the kids, though. With the vocal director.

The vocal director is giving both the director and myself hell by telling us how to do our job. She told me today that she wants me to change the choreography in two numbers! What the FUCK is with that and who the HELL does she think she is telling me to do that.

It's stressing me out. I've already had to alter a number because she was pissy that the girls were going to be facing upstage -- due to lack of stage space. Let's not forget to mention how hard it is on the kids if you've FREAKIN PRACTICED A CERTAIN DANCE FOR TWO MONTHS!!!!!

*Mutter grumble* I really want to just tell this woman off...she tells me how to do my job, and thinks that she CAN just because I'm so young. Alright, so I may not have a son in the 5th grade like she does, but what the hell makes her think she's so high and mighty?

Well, I'll be damned if I alter ANOTHER dance because she's being fussy. I've already altered a dance TWICE because she didn't like it. I'm NOT going to alter two more dances with just one more week of rehearsals left.

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