Thursday, April 05, 2007

A very nice evening

Okay, so I had nothing to worry about. The Boy's parents are sweet and a bit entertaining to watch them interact with him and each oter. The Passover part of the evening -- which is, what I think, I was worrying about moreso than meeting the parentals officially -- was done in a way so that I didn't feel too left out. Yeah, I couldn't read/sing the Hebrew, but everything was also explained to me, along with what the traditions meant. The Boy says that it was probably a good thing, since the meal is typically used to teach the youngest members of the family about the whole fleeing from Egypt and plagues and they got to actually re-learn how to explain everything to someone who had a very small clue about the whole thing!

So, yes. That was good, and I think it went well. Even though they did see that yes, I actually do enjoy and encourage The Boy's he put it, "Yeah, they noticed that. Much to their shagrin." I can't help it that he makes me giggle! One more thing that seems like a good sign to his parentals liking me, his dad gave me a hug when I showed up, and his mom gave me one when I left. Hurrah for hugs!

In Other News!
Can't seem to have a post without one of these sections, eh? :P Anyway, just putting this hear to mention that I have a new bike -- which is good, so I'll be able to start learning trails and stuff around here. I'll get some pictures of it later on.

I also have new glasses! Okay, my eyesight isn't that bad (20/25) but the fuzziness on signs and stuff drives me crazy, so I prefer to have glasses. These are rimless, though, so you can actually see more of my face now.

Here are the new ones (don't know if you can tell I was nervous while taking this picture....was waiting to be picked up to go meet the parents yesterday):
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And for comparison, here's the older ones. This was taken pre-Glenn Miller event. The Boy piled hats onto my head.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

I knew it, they can see a good match there! I'm so glad you had a nice time. I'm sure it meant a lot to the
"Boy" and his Fam. to have you there.
It just warms the cockles of my heart to hear how this relationship is growing. It seems like you two bring out the best in each other.
Your new glasses are very cute. I like them much better! They help bring out your eyes.

The Kitola said...

The Boy said that the glasses looked the same to him. :P

It meant a lot to me to be invited and accepted, too!

Sorry I'm not too chatty at the moment....I twisted my ankle and fainted twice from it. In public. How EMBARASSING.

Anonymous said...

Guys never notice stuff like that, I can spend an hour putting on make-up and doing my hair and mine says I look the same to him with or without make-up he can't tell!!! Sprained ankles are bad, Ice and elevated. You fainted? Are you okay, was it from the pain or did you twist your ankle because you fainted? I hope you feel better take care and get some rest.
Tell the Boy you need a chocolate bunny!

The Kitola said...

I'm a total klutz, so I know all about RICE (Rest, ice, compression, elevation) for injuries. It was probably from the pain....but what is weird is that I've sprained my ankle MUCH worse than that, but for some reason the pain from this one just decided to make my blood run away from my head. At least I can recognize the warning signs....I should've sat down, since I saw that I was going to black out at some point.

...Is it bad that I've fainted enough times to be able to recognize when I'm about to do it? :P