Friday, March 24, 2006

X-Ray Vision!!

Got my x-ray results back. Nothing's broken or cracked, so woot! Still painful, though, har. No clue what could be causing it and I'm being threatened with being sent to a sports doctor nooooo.


Anonymous said...

So sorry you've been in pain,really hope it goes away fast. I,personally,have had my fill of f**king doctors for the rest of my life. It took us 8 days but we finally got my son a bed,in NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!! At least he's out of the ER though. I guess there are worse things then a two hour drive to visit him.
Thanks lots for the Moblog. Made me laugh till I cried. I really really needed that! The "snow" shots had me rolling. Thank God for little blessings. Norm
PS-try not to cause yourself anymore pain. I need your madness to escape my own!

The Kitola said...

Hey, glad to hear that he's out of the ER! And a 2 hour drive is better than, say, driving across the country to see him.

Haw...if you really want amusement, maybe I'll type up a post when my vicodin kicks in tonight. The typos abound. Some are phonetic typos (like "harecut" instead of "haircut")...and some are barely decipherable as what the word was supposed to be originally. But either way, total amusement!