Saturday, March 18, 2006

Update to anyone interested

Feeling better now. Had a sinus infection, like I figured, and am on antibiotics to make that go away. Bruised my ribs, I think, from coughing so much while I was sick so now I have paaaaaain. Pain in my left shin, too, for unknown reasons. And while being in sick makes me feel ubercuddlesome....pain makes me bitchy. So I'm sorry to anyone who's been exposed to my bitchiness lately. Don't take it personally.

Midterms next week, but SPRING BREAK is after that.

Gotta go for lunch and the Kid's Show at the Gaslighter.....then a break for dinner....then another show. I'll be SO glad when the Kid Show is done. I'm sick of it. I mean....I love the cast people. It's just....the show itself is getting to me. And I'll be glad to have at least SOME of my Saturdays back.


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