Tuesday, August 02, 2005

To Do today:

- Go to SJSU and pay for my classes
- Buy a new ace bandage for my ribs...or a "rib belt" if I can find one. Ended up buying more prop crap for the show instead.
- Finish making clovers for the show. Only 50 more!
- Listen to "Havin' a Hunch" until I have some idea on what the heck to do with the number.
- Try to tone down my crankiness that's drifting over from last night.

*yawn* Gonna finish getting ready, then drive of to SJSU. Whee.


Anonymous said...

Posts two days in a row,YAY! Hope you don't stay cranky. You've got a lot on your plate,don't overdo. This coming from a guy who worked 74 hours last week. Do as I say not as I do and all that bull. Hope you get at least a little time for yourself.

The Kitola said...

Heh, thanks. I'm trying, but it's hard when I've got rehearsals every day for quite awhile. Actually, the only day I get off until NEXT Friday and Saturday is this coming Friday. Which is when my mom and I will probably piece together the dance number last minute.

I've got more props and costume bits to put together and make. Wheeeeee. Still need to do the clovers, stripe up the circus hat...at least I made the "Elephant-bird."