Thursday, February 24, 2005

Things that make a good day:

1. Getting to see an old instructor that you absolutely ADORED completely at random. At a totally different school.

2. Retelling what the American Sign Language (ASL) instructor had just told the class, and being told that everyone should practice their sign with me. Because I'm just that good.

3. Realizing, once again, that I actually CAN hold a conversation in ASL -- even if it is a short one.

4. Seeing an incredibly well performed play of Of Mice and Men -- even if the ending made you so sad that you curled up on your chair with your ears plugged, eyes shut, and bawling quietly.

5. Getting a phonecall from my love. Yeah, I don't get to see him this weekend...but it still means the world to me when I get to hear from Joey. (And dammit, he needs to get his arse down here or clean his apartment so I can go up....he needs the rest of his Valentine/Anniversary gifts!)

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