Friday, December 16, 2005

Bar hopping

Went out to Celtic Night last night at both the Grand Dell AND Duke's of Edinbourough (Wow I can't spell that for the life of me), and I took B.Bear with me, due to him being depressy.
We got to the Dell at about 9:00-ish, but only a few people that I vaguely knew were there. First thing I did was crack me knee into the bar so hard that I felt dizzy/lightheaded and couldn't breathe. Not fun!

Anyway, we hung out at the bar part of the room and looked at each other's sketchbooks when the bartender came over and saw. He said that we HAD to meet someone, so he brought over the guy's beer to lure him over. Turns out, he's the artist for the Neverland Transit Authority, a webcomic. We talked for a LONG time, the three of us, and I mostly listened while he and B.Bear talked about animation classes at DeAnza.

There was also a REALLY CREEPY old guy there. No, I'm SERIOUS. He creeped me the fuck out. See, B.Bear and I were talking to each other, and I heard a cell phone camera go off. I checked my phone, because sometimes it takes pictures in my pocket....but nope, it's not mine. I look around, and see this old dude with his cell phone at me. I give him an odd look and he takes another one, saying that it's for "Hugh Heffner." Cue the nervous laugh and my asking if that line was as old as Hugh Heffner himself before going back to my conversation with Benny. Later on, I go to sign up my name on the band's mailing list, so that I can be informed about where they're going when, and the guy comes back.

Dude: Have I seen you somewhere before? You look familiar.
Me: *WTF look* Uh...I was sitting over there.... *points*
Dude: Oh. I thought maybe I'd seen you on American Idol or something. *Creepy smile*
Me: Heh....uh...heh....nope! I'm going....back over there now. *flees! With a huge limp because OW MY KNEE*

Did it stop there? NOPE! Later, he came BACK over to me and Benny...

Dude: Miss Andrews!
Dude: Do you want to see the picture I took?
Me: Whatever...?
Dude: Okay, I'll e-mail it to you *creepy smile*
Me: ..... *whimpers, looks at B.Bear like "omg please can we go now?"

We pretty much left after that. I seriously do NOT want to know what he was going to do with that picture......ew....

At Duke's, we sat and listened/sang with the music until the Piper started playing. Christ, my ears hurt....we were right next to him. Now, I love pipes....but not that close to my ears! We stayed until he stopped that song, not wanting to be rude, and then left.

So yes. That's my night o' bar hopping. I didn't even drink anything! :D

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