Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Fuck the Christmas Season

*Snarl grumble general pissy/crushed feelings*

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Joey's got a new job and all...but why does the timing have to suck so much that he can't come back home for Christmas? Even though he's gonna come down next weekend, it's NOT. THE. FUCKING. SAME.

*Snort* The following was taken from my LJ as well...for more added ranting.

It's the happiest time of the year...? Fuck that.
Humbug I say. I feel like I just got trampled all over. And spat upon. Chewed up, spit out, and kicked to the side of the road.
Turns out Joey isn't going to be coming down this Christmas. I'd made reservations for us to go to La Fondue on Christmas Eve. I had an outfit all planned out and ready for the outing. And now he won't even be here.

*Sigh* I know that he's got a hell of a lot of work with the new job and all....but that doesn't mean that I don't feel heart broken about this.

I want to go and smash things in my room. I'm and crushed and just....a huge ball of emotion. I want to scream and cry and curse.

He says "It's not like I won't be seeing you before the holidays!" since he's coming down next weekend....but.....fuck, that's not the SAME!! I'm glad I get to see him and all, would mean so much more if I got to see him for the Holidays. I don't even know if I'll get to see him for New Year's.

Just...fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

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