Sunday, November 26, 2006

...Why am I not surprised?

Progress of the Cinderella DVDs:

1.) Show ends, Joey takes all the footage.
2.) Supposedly will have movies by end of Sept./Beginning of Oct.
3.) Computer dies
4.) Work drama
5.) Life, in general, drama.
6.) DVDs will be ready by November.
7.) ....Make that mid November....
8.) .....Thanksgiving.....
9.) ......Okay, deliver them the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
10.) Still no DVDs (It's officially Sunday)

::Sigh:: Guess that I'm giving Joey's phone number to my dad tomorrow morning, since he's decided he's going to call him to figure out what his excuse is for not having the DVDs ready this time.....::Sigh:: I feel like such a bitch to do that, though....

I really don't want to feel like a bad guy. Blegh.

At least I got out and away from the chaos of cousins today by having dinner with The Boy before his high school reunion. Much grinning abounded from that. :)

And not that I'm counting down,or am really excited or anything (yeah right!).....but it's officially under a week to that black tie affair. Hehe....gonna go down to the salon my hair is going to be done at to see if they do nails as well. It'd just be easier to show up, like, an hour or whatever before my hair appointment and get them done there, yanno?


Anonymous said...

I can understand why you don't want to sic your Dad on Joey but you really don't have a choice. He made a promise and he's not living up to it. Don't feel too bad about it,it's not your fault.

I'm looking forward to photos of the big 'event'. I hope you have the time of your life!

The Kitola said...

Bleh. I called Joey and essentially the answer is the same as usual. "Drama drama drama." AND he said that he's not planning to answer the phone if he doesn't recognize the my dad or the House Manager for the theater company calling him would be pointless.