Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sometimes, you have to laugh

5:20 AM: Go to bed after a long night of roleplaying.
9:00 AM: Get woken up by dog nosing at me.
9:20: Realize that I won't get anymore sleep, so I get up.
9:21: Discover that dog was sick all over the family room and kitchen (poo and pee everywhere)
10:30: Finally finish cleaning up the mess
11:00: Go to SJSU to pay fees
Noon: Get fees paid after waiting in line for half an hour.
12:05: Find parking ticket on car for having a non-valid parking permit.
12:30: Get home and fix lunch.
12:35: Cat throws up first time
12:36: Clean up mess
12:36 and a half: Cat throws up again

This has been my day for the most part.....and I can't help but laugh at it, really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy,can I relate!

We've got a housefull of pets and I'm always cleaning up something nasty. It's especially bad when the ferrets running around loose,you just can't litter box train them. When it's time for them to go they pretty much just back up to the nearest wall!

Here's hoping all your pets feel better and you get some sleep!