Wednesday, February 09, 2005

And There's Already STRESS!

We have no music director for the show. He up and fucking quit. All he had to do was do the orchestra and teach the music, but NO. He decided he wasn't going to because his family didn't want him to (read: the wife threw a hissy fit).

Great. Like it wasn't bad enough that we have no rehersal we have no music director at ALL.

*Sigh...shake head* We haven't even done auditions yet...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there,things will work out. I hope the show is a big hit for you guys. Last post from me for awhile as work is taking me to Scotland for a few months and free time will be at a premium. See you when I get back. Have a great Valentines day with Joey! Norm

The Kitola said...

Thanks! We're looking into contacting someone else to teach the music, and we have "Orch-Extra" incase we don't get a real life orchestra. It won't be the SAME, of course, do what you can.

While Valentine's DAY won't be with Joey, I get him all to myself this weekend! It'll be wonderous, I'm sure.

Have a great time in Scotland! I've always wanted to go either there or Ireland, so I'm jealous. :P