Thursday, December 02, 2004

Last week of REAL school

Well, just finished up my final Kick Boxing class, thus ending my last week of classes at De Anza College. Come Janueary 25, I'll be as San Jose State University.

Looking back at my time at De Anza, I can see that it has been incredibly good to me. If it weren't for my good friend B talking me into taking a fencing class there with him, I never would've met Joey. I never would've ended up transferring there from West Valley College, and would never have made the friends I have.

I will seriously miss my PE instructors, C and M. I've been taking classes with the two of them for nearly two years total. As well as my ASL instructor, who I've only had for a year, but is by far the best ASL teacher I've ever encountered. While I won't be taking another class with her for awhile, I plan on attending her upcoming workshop dealing completely with Sex and Drugs. >:D

Well. Next week is finals. I only have to attend on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After Friday, it's all over. While I'm sad about this, I'm glad to be transferring. Once I'm free of my need to be a student, I'll be able to move wherever My Heart takes me and have a real job. Not just relying on odd jobs that come up like the choreography in the Los Gatos show.

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