After everyone left, my parents went out to dinner. Then I got ready for my date with Joey. *Swoon* So. Laced up my bodice, brushed my hair, fluffed the boobies, yadda yadda yadda. And then he showed up and I was just....sooooo happy to see him. (Warning! Warning! Sappy gushing coming!) I hate only seeing him once a month, but when I do see him worries and troubles just kinda melt. He makes me so incredibly happy, and I don't think I could love anyone as much as him. (So, now that that's out of the way) After he showed up, we exchanged gifts. He enjoyed all the Family Guy/Coffee/Incredibles stuff I gave him (Yay for "Cubicle Toys"). And now I have a big squishy FOM pillow shaped like a heart, and three DVDs (Eddie Izzard, Sweeny Todd, and They Might Be Giants music videos).
So! Then we went out to La Fondue, and dinner was grand. I'd forgotten my ID, so sulked about not being able to order wine -- but the waitress figured that since Joey was old enough, I was old enough and told the truth when I said I was 21 or older. So I got me some White Zinfendel, yay! Soo good.
Click the picture below to enlarge it. I'm so going to frame this thing.

Stayed out until 4, and what we did until then is his and my own business. *Giggle* I'll just say that a grand time was had by all. And soooo relaxing when we napped together. I wish I had a free weekend this month so I could go see him and spend the weekend in LA...I love snuggling up on him.
On to today. Very relaxing. Here's the haul, for those curious:
-Exercise ball and video (I've been wanting one for SO long)
-A bunch of long sleeved shirts
-a "Talk Nerdy To Me" shirt
-an "I Eat Carbs" shirt
-Sirius Satellite Radio (Yay for Howard Stern!)
-One of them new Gameboy Advances (Not the...touch screen thing)
-Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Already gotten a good start on that)
-A turqouise and silver necklace that is sooooo pretty.
-Renaissance Faire Boots....FINALLY!! I've wanted a pair for soooo long.
Well. That's all I got for now. I'm gonna try to arrange some time with Joey again before he goes back to L.A.
Time to watch Sweeny Todd!
1 comment:
*Laughs* Thanks man. Can't wait to meet you and Dani some day. Hope you had a very merry, too!
Me Heart You Too!
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