Monday, March 12, 2007

Quick Weekend Notes

The Boy kidnapped me on Friday (well, told me to come over at about 5), and we had a picnic dinner in the park where he sang very sweet lovey folk music tunes from his tome of songs (he has a huge collection of them). Then we snuggled up back at his place to watch Spirted Away.

Spent all day in SF on Saturday, where we went all through the Haight and Ashbury district looking for 40s clothes (we're going to a Glenn Miller Orchestra event soon), then to a peace and protest song "hootenanie" at The Cafe International. Very cool event.

Sunday, we walked down to the Farmer's Market in Campbell, got almost matching outfits for the swing event (he has a brown suit, I have a brown dress, and we have matching was his idea to get matching hats)....snuggled and napped in the afternoon for a bit, then worked on a folk song he wanted to learn. I got to harmonize YAY. Grabbed some food at the store, made dinner, and once again snuggled for entertainment on his large 24 inch computer screen.

I was there from 5 on Friday until 10 pm on Sunday. Much love for spending so much time with him. :)

Oh. And he told me his mom wants to meet me. So yeah, at some point in the undetermined future, I'll be over having dinner with him and his folks. Holy crap nervous! Never had to deal with that situation before. What with Joey essentially hiding me from his folks (have I mentioned enough times how bloody content I am to be out of that relationship? I don't mind being friends with him, but that relationship was crap on my end).

I know I just gotta be myself....but "myself" is extremely nervous in new situations! I just really want them to like me....'cause I can really see this whole thing working out between The Boy and me. Anyone have advice for keeping my cool at least so I don't come off like too much of a shy and nervous nutjob? :P

Can you tell I'm kinda totally smitten here?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely be yourself! Be interested in what they are saying. Share stories about your fam. but try to avoid making any critical comments about your parentals.
Be complimentary of their son if the time presents itself. (No Problem there I'm sure) Ya know, like what good manners he has or what a gentleman he is. Stuff like that, because that is a compliment to them as well. Just be your nice friendly self, try not to seem too shy or it could come off as stand offish. I'm sure it will go nicely. You're a great couple with a lot in common.

The Kitola said...

And I'm sure his parents are super nice...the stories I've heard about them (or at least his mom) have always had me giggling. Gotta be great people to have a great son, yah?

But, just to bump up my apprehension a notch, guess when I get to go see my Nice Jewish Boy's parents for what'll quite probably be the first time? The first night of Passover.

I'll try not to be too nervous!