Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Eye Exam Fun!

On the way back from the Glenn Miller event, the following conversation (sorta) occured while trying to find the freeway home.

The Boy: We need 880, so keep your eyes open.
Me: Okie. ::squints at road signs:: uhh...
The Boy: Oh, there it is!
Me: ...You can read that!?
THe Boy: Yep!
Me: Okay, so you can read that with your new laser eyes....and I can't read it with my glasses. ::takes off glasses and peers at them:: When did that become fair?

So, today I went and got to meet my new eye doctor....who I LOVE. He was personable and talkative, he asked questions and was interested in things I had to say, and he was patient as all get out. I have a huge problem with the glacauma test, where they poof air in your eyes (at least they've gotten gentler), and my last eye doctor's staff got mad at me when I kept flinching and/or blinking due to being tense about having something that close to my eyes. This guy was very sweet about it and I was calm enough so that I only had to do three retakes....apparently, he has a special needs son and that would definitely attribute to his patience. :)

When he was doing the "Better 1....or 2?" part of the exam for my left eye, he had a lense up that was pretty darn clear, and swapped it out to one that was completely blurred by comparison.

Doc: Any change when I do this? ::flip::
Me: No way in hell I can read that line now.
Doc: That's what your glasses are, currently.
Me: ....Wha?? I didn't know they were that off!

It was weird. Also weird was when he let me play with a little monocle thing that was solid except for a slit in it, to show me something cool with my astigmatism. Angled infront of my one left eye (the one with the worse astigmatism) a certain way and the chart was somewhat clear...clearer than normal, actually. But if you rotated it 90 degrees, it became totally blurred. It was SO weird!

So, all in all....I'm not sure what my vision is in relation to 20/20....don't think that actually came up....but I found out that I'm somewhat nearsighted in my right eye, and the astigmatism in my left eye is more warped than my right. So I'm getting new lenses and frames with the tweaked perscription. I'm actually going to go for a new look and go with totally rim-less glasses, instead of the half-rim frames I have now. I'll post pics when I have those!

Other News:
Took my bike over to The Boy's to get it looked at, since it hasn't been used in about 5-6 years...and I've had it for over 10...and it seriously needed looking over before it would be rideable. Apparently, while it's not totally beyond repair, it's definitely not safe and was put together with shoddy construction. We got various bits lubed up and tweaked other bits (I don't know the technicalities behind it...if I did, I would've been able to work on it myself, I bet!) so that it's.....well, somewhat safer for street riding, I guess. All in all, it might just make more sense to get a new one that isn't too expensive, since I'd like to start biking around again and maybe even attempt some tame trails while I regain my certainty with riding a bike.

A Change of Plans:
Due to The Boy's grandpa not doing well, he'll be going down to L.A. to spend some time with him and other family members. Because of all of that, no one will be around this weekend to cook for the first night of his parents are moving their dinner to Wednesday. Also, The Boy and I decided it'd probably be better if I don't go to the Tuesday dinner at a different family's house...since with the previous plans, it made a bit more sense. Meet the parents, then see them again in a less one-on-one situation the next night. If I went to Tuesday, then Wednesday, it would feel a little....backwards. And they wouldn't have been able to grill me properly. :P

So yes. I still get to meet them, and have the dinner with them, but it's just on Wednesday instead of two days in the week. I feel a little less intimidated now, actually.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Glenn Miller Orchestra Event pictures

Spent too much time dancing the night away to get any really good pictures of the venue....but trust me, it was aMAZing. The swing dancing was on the hangar deck of the aircraft carrier, but you could go up to the flight deck and see parked planes as well as the lights of the city. It was cold and kinda foggy out, so while you could see the lights of the city from the flight deck, it definitely was chilly and damp.

There were so many people there, but it only ever actually felt crowded when attempting to watch the professional swing dancers and occasionally when on the dance floor (especially when you're like me and got stepped on by ladies' heels three times during the night. Owwies).

For my hair, I ended up doing a sort of "Dorothy Gale" ponytail thing for hair, instead of anything that was posted. It was simple, and it worked really well. So yay!

Here's a slide show of our pictures from the event. Enjoy! Oh, and see how The Boy doesn't have his glasses anymore? Hurrah for Lasik!

So yes, that was wonderfully fun. And we kept bumping into people that we knew from FNW and other places. Yay for good music, fun dancing, and fantabulous company.

On Sunday, there was kayaking in the morning -- first time EVER for me -- and it was SO much fun. I'm definitely feeling it today, shoulders could definitely use a massage. It hurts in a good way, though, if that makes sense. We had a picnic lunch with my parentals, and in the evening took an impromptu lightrail ride down to downtown San Jose for dinner and wandering.

All in all, a fabulous weekend that I wouldn't trade for anything. A great kickoff to spring break. :)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Oh my God...

Last night and this morning I was having some down-in-the-dumps feelings and my esteem was lower than usual. This morning, at breakfast with The Boy, there was a note in my napkin that had my name on the outside, and inside all it said was "You are beautiful."

I totally cried.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Friggin Laser Beams!

So on Wednesday, The Boy got Lasik surgery done. I drove him to and from the appointment, then played nurse for the poor boy. Once the anesthetic wore off, his eyes felt like they were burning and he was extremely light sensitive, so we kept all of the lights off in his condo. As if those weren't enough, his allergies had been bothering him and he'd been so tense during the procedure that he developed a combo sinus/tension headache....he was in so much pain at times that he would cling to me tightly and whimper. I wish there was more that I could've done to help with the pain.

After a few hours, his dad came by for dinner (read: pizza, because you can be temporarily blind and still handle it easily) and to see how The Boy was doing. I was a little nervous about it, when I knew he'd be dropping by, but it wasn't too hard at all. He was very nice, and it was probably good for me to meet at least ONE of them beforehand, so I don't feel like I just get dropped into a totally intimidating situation while only knowing The Boy.

Eventually, The Roommate came out of his cave and was social, and gave The Boy some asprin (to go with his Valium and Motrin) to help with all of the pain he was having. Thankfully, he felt better within a half hour to 45 minutes after taking those (the tea I made for us probably helped out a bit, too), and he was up for singing and even attempting to dance a bit. His eyes still felt a bit burny, but the Valium was helping him not care about it as much.

I didn't let him kick me out that night when he was going to bed, because I wanted to make sure he was alright in the morning. And while he was allowed to open his eyes, he was still pretty light sensitive and didn't feel up to trying to drive himself anywhere, so I drove him to his follow-up in the morning.

He worked from home yesterday, but overall is feeling better with every hour that passes. So that's very good...though it'll take some getting used to to see him without his glasses. Also, for him to get over his habits of adjusting glasses that he no longer needs. :)

(Oh, and The Boy says that his dad thought I was really nice. He said it was good PR for me to stick around and help him out so much. Well, what was I going to do, drive him home and drop him off?? I think not!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

An update of sorts

Had a vera nice weekend with The Boy, though I was in an odd mood on St. Patty's day....if I were to retell it here, it would sound like I had a worse time than I did, so I won't bother. It actually wasn't too bad, just felt kinda out of place when he and his friends started a strategy game and I opted to sit out because the logistics behind it confused me a bit.

Tomorrow (Wednesday), The Boy is going to be getting Lasik eye surgery guess who gets to play nurse! I'll be driving him to and from, and I'm going to stick around until he's allowed to use his eyes again and he's over the Valium.

This Saturday, we're going to a swing dance event that the Glenn Miller Orchestra will be playing at on the USS Hornet. VERY COOL and I'm incredibly excited about it. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my hair...I want to do a Pageboy, but my one attempt so far ended up with severe curls. :P That'll work, though, if my other attempt doesn't work any better.

One last thing, that I mentioned in a comment in my previous post. So, I will be meeting The Boy's parents in a week and a half at the latest. Yeah, you read that right...what will probably be my first encounter with The (Nice Jewish) Boy's parents is for dinner on the first night of Passover. Oh yeah, I'm nervous. But incredibly excited, too.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Quick Weekend Notes

The Boy kidnapped me on Friday (well, told me to come over at about 5), and we had a picnic dinner in the park where he sang very sweet lovey folk music tunes from his tome of songs (he has a huge collection of them). Then we snuggled up back at his place to watch Spirted Away.

Spent all day in SF on Saturday, where we went all through the Haight and Ashbury district looking for 40s clothes (we're going to a Glenn Miller Orchestra event soon), then to a peace and protest song "hootenanie" at The Cafe International. Very cool event.

Sunday, we walked down to the Farmer's Market in Campbell, got almost matching outfits for the swing event (he has a brown suit, I have a brown dress, and we have matching was his idea to get matching hats)....snuggled and napped in the afternoon for a bit, then worked on a folk song he wanted to learn. I got to harmonize YAY. Grabbed some food at the store, made dinner, and once again snuggled for entertainment on his large 24 inch computer screen.

I was there from 5 on Friday until 10 pm on Sunday. Much love for spending so much time with him. :)

Oh. And he told me his mom wants to meet me. So yeah, at some point in the undetermined future, I'll be over having dinner with him and his folks. Holy crap nervous! Never had to deal with that situation before. What with Joey essentially hiding me from his folks (have I mentioned enough times how bloody content I am to be out of that relationship? I don't mind being friends with him, but that relationship was crap on my end).

I know I just gotta be myself....but "myself" is extremely nervous in new situations! I just really want them to like me....'cause I can really see this whole thing working out between The Boy and me. Anyone have advice for keeping my cool at least so I don't come off like too much of a shy and nervous nutjob? :P

Can you tell I'm kinda totally smitten here?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I love surreal events!!

So last night, before heading over to FNW, The Boy and I stopped off at Stanford to participate in a friend's recording session.

See, this fella typically plays his music at a gelato place in downtown Palo Alto on Fridays, so twice a month we stop in to see him anyway. He's such a character! There's no way that I could describe him here and do it any justice....but essentially, the event was for a CD he's making called "Blues Kazoo"...where the music is all guitar, kazoo, and miscellaneous instruments (bike horns, train whistles, bells, and a siren whistle that I got to play).

Aside from us, there were two teenage boys who showed up and were REALLY into the whole thing, an older couple who was there at the beginning, and a fella who showed up later and left a bit early. There were a few "audience participation" numbers -- one with all of the misc. instruments where I had the siren whistle (a "perfect instrument for me," I've heard ;-) ), and another few where we played kazoo in the chorus or sang along. Hee, I was the only female person around for the sing-a-long stuff, so even though it's hard to find my individual's REALLY easy to pick out my voice in the songs. Oh! And one of the songs, at the end, you can hear me giggle. I'm kinda embarassed by it, but I've been told it's perfect and cute. So yay, then!

Can't wait to get my own CD of's so going onto my iPod.

FNW was much fun, as always. Fun music -- though the tempos felt a little fuzzy for some of the dances -- and all in all it was great fun. I even got a Congress in, and dragged/lead through the Bohemian National Polka for the second time ever. The funny thing about that, is the time I finally NAILED the pivots....another dancing couple crashed into us. Ha! Ah well, such is life.