Saturday, July 29, 2006

Life? What life?

YahahaHA......I have no life until the show starts. Check out my weekly rehearsal schedule!

Sunday: 2pm - 5pm (Stage Rehearsal)
Monday: 7pm - 9pm (Stage Rehearsal)
Tuesday: 6pm - 9pm (Dance Rehearsal - 1 hour tap, 2 hours waltz)
Wednesday: 7pm - 9pm (Stage Rehearsal)
Thursday: 7pm - 9pm (Stage Rehearsal)
Friday: FREEDOM!!!
Saturday: 9am - Noon (Dance Rehearsal - 3 hours waltz)

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Woo....I'm all dizzy.


Anonymous said...

And I thought I was busy! We lost two people at work so I've been working 72 hour weeks lately,hence the reason you've been comment free from me. Congrats on the choreography gig. I hope it works out great during the performances. Would you say,"break a leg" to a dancer? Seems wrong somehow. LOL Until the next time I get a chance to comment (But I always read!),Goodluck!

The Kitola said...

Actually, the term "break a leg" has something to do with bows, I believe. "Breaking a leg" is the motion done during a bow when the leg is brought behind the bower (Kinda like in a curtsey) yes, I guess you would say it to a dancer!

This is my 5th show doing choreography for our theater company. I can safely say it's the most dance I've ever had to teach.