Sunday, October 09, 2005

Renaissance Faire Highlights

- Broon is back!! For those who don't know, he is a performer who was out of the performing loop for a year or so because he had a really severely bad accident that involved a straight jacket and a 15 foot drop.
- I got to sit on a Bold and Stupid Man (The one with the sword in his ear in the picture)
- New chemise for fairing
- OMG the jousting field is tiny
- Buddy was video taping bits and pieces of the day. Can't wait to see it.
- I got hit on by soooo many Ren Faire Guys. *dies* It was fun.
- 17 year olds who were going around as King Arthur and Patsy from Monty Python's Holy Grail (GREAT costumes...the backpack on Patsy was perfect)
- Moonie and Broon brought Bolt Upright (the B&S guy I love so much and the one I got to sit on yay) onto the stage in their improv show and made him eat fire. That was totally the best part of their show.
- I got to taste mead. It was REALLY good. Mmm. I think I have something I may have to buy next time I go to the Faire.
- Got a bead hair clip thingy that looks all piratey and awesome.

Other than that, I got to listen to my Niece talk about how "OMG That guy is SO CUTE" and what not. Saw ANOTHER bodice that I really wanted that was made by Hathor's Mirror....sadly, I don't think they have a webpage, so I'll have to save money to get one next year. As for now, I'm tired, a little relieved to not be around people right now, and my left shoulder is killing me.

I think, however, after about 5 years or so of going to these things, I'm starting to get the hang of how to act at these faires.


Anonymous said...

Went to something like you describe many years ago and had a great time. I bought a leather hand tooled beer stein that I loved but has sadly vanished over the years (first time I've thought of it in ages!). I've got to look around and see if there's any fairs in my neck of the woods,probably not till spring.

The Kitola said...

There's Ren Faires almost everywhere, but always at different times of the year. They're always in the fall here, so I think that the Northern California one is sort of the end of the transport line for the Ren Faire crew. Heh.