Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lesson Learned:

After mopping the kitchen floor with one of those neat things that uses wipey-pads on them...ALWAYS wash hands when finished. ESPECIALLY if you replace the pad a few times.

And, if you forget to wash your hands...for the love of God, DON'T RUB YOUR EYE.


(thankfully, it's just irritated around the eye, so it looks like I have a black eye form. I flushed it with a wet paper towel as soon as I realized why the damn thing was itchyburny)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know of what you speak. I once rubbed my eyes while I was cleaning the oven and ended up in the emergency room. I had a patch on my eye for about a week. Household cleaners can be nasty! Be careful,hard to learn your lines if you can't read them!