Friday, March 04, 2005

Er...well then. Yay!

That was...the most informal audition ever. *Snicker* The owner reminds me of someone from Queer Eye, or Charlotte's wedding planner from Sex in the City

Owner: Can you sing and act and dance?
Me: Um...yeah.
Owner: Fabulous! Get her contact info!
Me: *Guh!?*
Lady who called me: Shouldn't you have her sing a little?
Owner: Sing!
Me: *...Does a little*
Owner: Neat! Dance! *Plays a Charleston beat*
Me: *Sorta kinda does the charleston*
Owner: Ooo. Good! Just wanted to see if you can move, and you can! Pretty well, actually.
Me: *Thinks that they must have pretty low standards!*
Owner: Well, I was hoping to give you a script, but we don't have any yet. We'll let you know when we do. You'll have to learn your part and music by March 26th, which is when we're doing the kid's show.

So. Yeah. Yay me I'm doing children's vaudeville! It pays too, apparently, but I don't know what. *dies* He said not to quit my day job for it...but hey, it's gotta pay better than being a student, yeah?

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