Sunday, January 09, 2005

Who knew there were so many ways to say THAT!?

I had an ASL (American Sign Language) workshop to go to today (I'm starting to think about being an interp.) involved nothing but sex/drugs.

I now know in sign language:
3 different ways to say penis, vagina, clitoris, breasts, blow job, cunnilingus, and probably others (too lazy to go grab my notes)...and 7 different ways to say intercourse/fuck.

Plus a HELL of a lot more. I can't wait to show these to Joey for amusement's sake.


Anonymous said...

I'm speechless! (bad joke,I know) You covered the sex but what about the drugs? Norm

The Kitola said...

That part wasn't as interesting. Had about 30 pages-50 pages of terms to learn. Even learned things like Stoned, spaced out, hallucinate (spelling isn't my strong suit), etc.