Aww my handsome Boy. I want to hug him.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Just a quick Picture Post
Taken by my friend at the Gaskell Ball....that Cinderella gown is virtually falling off of me! Yay for shrinking in size, but boo for that awesome ball gown not fitting as well as it used to.

Aww my handsome Boy. I want to hug him.
Aww my handsome Boy. I want to hug him.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My weekends kinda rock now. very good this weekend.
The Boy came back from Florida early-ish on Friday, so we got together and cooked dinner. Very yummy marinated lamb and veggies. Popped a movie into his computer and flop/snuggled on the bed for it....though both of us kept dozing off during the movie. Actually, we went to sleep for the night at 9:00, him because he was still adjusting to the time change, and me because I was so tired anyway.
We both woke up the next morning kinda early, at around 7, and after finally getting up at 9:30 we cooked breakfast (frittata, Mmmm). We basically bummed around the house all day on Saturday, 'cause it was cold and icky out...though we did take time out to go get our cars washed! Mine REALLY needed it, heh. :P At about 4:00, I came home for a quick bath to warm up and shave my legs, and gather up my clothing for The Gaskell Ball. We took my Cinderella costume (which doesn't really fit all that well...I've lost weight since the summer!) and loaded up his car. He wore his basic tux stuff, so I put on some nicer clothes while we went out to sushi dinner. The dancing was VERY fun, and I'll poost pictures up when I have them. I had a lot of friends there from Friday Night Waltz, and one of my friends from the Wednesday Irish Dancing was there, too!! Yay fun. Got back to his place by around 1:00 AM, and essentially passed out.
I woke up at 8 in the morning to find The Boy walking around and doing laundry stuffs. Once he noticed I was awake, though, he crawled back into bed for some cuddling and he gave me a massage on my back -- because my shoulders/back were soooooore from dancing so long. :P We had a big breakfast of leftover fritatta and bagels, then got in touch with The Boy's friend of the same name. Long story shorter: we all met up for lunch, hiked for 7 miles, had dinner, then we came back.
I'm sore, I'm tired, but I'm extremely happy -- though I wish I were back at his place and snuggled up against my Boy for the night. He's a bit o' wonderful, he is.
The Boy came back from Florida early-ish on Friday, so we got together and cooked dinner. Very yummy marinated lamb and veggies. Popped a movie into his computer and flop/snuggled on the bed for it....though both of us kept dozing off during the movie. Actually, we went to sleep for the night at 9:00, him because he was still adjusting to the time change, and me because I was so tired anyway.
We both woke up the next morning kinda early, at around 7, and after finally getting up at 9:30 we cooked breakfast (frittata, Mmmm). We basically bummed around the house all day on Saturday, 'cause it was cold and icky out...though we did take time out to go get our cars washed! Mine REALLY needed it, heh. :P At about 4:00, I came home for a quick bath to warm up and shave my legs, and gather up my clothing for The Gaskell Ball. We took my Cinderella costume (which doesn't really fit all that well...I've lost weight since the summer!) and loaded up his car. He wore his basic tux stuff, so I put on some nicer clothes while we went out to sushi dinner. The dancing was VERY fun, and I'll poost pictures up when I have them. I had a lot of friends there from Friday Night Waltz, and one of my friends from the Wednesday Irish Dancing was there, too!! Yay fun. Got back to his place by around 1:00 AM, and essentially passed out.
I woke up at 8 in the morning to find The Boy walking around and doing laundry stuffs. Once he noticed I was awake, though, he crawled back into bed for some cuddling and he gave me a massage on my back -- because my shoulders/back were soooooore from dancing so long. :P We had a big breakfast of leftover fritatta and bagels, then got in touch with The Boy's friend of the same name. Long story shorter: we all met up for lunch, hiked for 7 miles, had dinner, then we came back.
I'm sore, I'm tired, but I'm extremely happy -- though I wish I were back at his place and snuggled up against my Boy for the night. He's a bit o' wonderful, he is.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Mmmm....Good Day...
Last night, I went out to Friday Night Waltz with The Boy. Not a lot of people were there, since most of them went to the Stanford Ball, I guess. So there was a lot of space on the dance floor, which meant lots of creative dancing. Listening to "Barbie Girl" in German is just.....highly bizarre! Oh, and having about four people hovering around me and staring at my torso in an attempt to translate the Spanish poem that was printed on my shirt was VERY entertaining.
After a long night of sleeping and snuggling on The Boy, we had breakfast this morning and I darted home to change and grab some things before we headed out to Santa Cruz for the day. It was just GORGEOUS out there, the temprature was up in the 70's. I've never actually just wandered around downtown Santa Cruz before, and it's a lovely place. It's just....charming! And there was also sooo many street performers playing their instruments and whatnot, and my two personal favorites were The Great Morgani and a family playing bluegrass music together -- two teen boys, a mom, and either an elderly looking dad or a grampa. I really think that all downtowns ought to be like that.
The Boy did keep getting phonecalls from work, due to more shit hitting the fan, and he felt sooo bad about having to be on the phone while I was around. He was feeling so bad about it after the first long phone call (we were at a coffee/tea house, so I just sipped my tea and read my Neil Gaiman book while he did work -- because really, what can ya do?) that I had to get up and give him a good hug around the neck and shoulders. He felt a bit better after that. He really doesn't want to be one of the people who does work stuff while out with he put it, he doesn't want work to be intruding on the things that are really important.
All in all, we had a really good day. We danced to the music of the street performers, we sat and I leaned against him while he sang a few of his favorite songs (I joined in whenever I knew the words), we had dinner at a seafood restaurant on the wharf, then he bought us each a chocolate dipped strawberry for desert. Very fun to be fed those things in the dark.
He kept thanking me for the day, too, and told me that today would've sucked if it weren't for me. It's true, too...he would've stayed home and been sucked into work drama, and I know he needed the weekend and some joyful company. I'm all too happy to provide that service. I love listening to him sing, and it was just so nice to spend the whole day walking and holding hands. Le sigh. :)
Alright, I'm going to give him a quick call and then head to bed. Tomorrow's hike was called off, due to The Boy having more work stuff happening. He hopes to be done by mid-day, though, and he'll give me a call so we can go play and he can get relaxation in before he has to leave to go BACK to Florida on Monday. Poor guy...he really hates not being able to follow through on his plans, and work has been causing him to do that a lot this month.
After a long night of sleeping and snuggling on The Boy, we had breakfast this morning and I darted home to change and grab some things before we headed out to Santa Cruz for the day. It was just GORGEOUS out there, the temprature was up in the 70's. I've never actually just wandered around downtown Santa Cruz before, and it's a lovely place. It's just....charming! And there was also sooo many street performers playing their instruments and whatnot, and my two personal favorites were The Great Morgani and a family playing bluegrass music together -- two teen boys, a mom, and either an elderly looking dad or a grampa. I really think that all downtowns ought to be like that.
The Boy did keep getting phonecalls from work, due to more shit hitting the fan, and he felt sooo bad about having to be on the phone while I was around. He was feeling so bad about it after the first long phone call (we were at a coffee/tea house, so I just sipped my tea and read my Neil Gaiman book while he did work -- because really, what can ya do?) that I had to get up and give him a good hug around the neck and shoulders. He felt a bit better after that. He really doesn't want to be one of the people who does work stuff while out with he put it, he doesn't want work to be intruding on the things that are really important.
All in all, we had a really good day. We danced to the music of the street performers, we sat and I leaned against him while he sang a few of his favorite songs (I joined in whenever I knew the words), we had dinner at a seafood restaurant on the wharf, then he bought us each a chocolate dipped strawberry for desert. Very fun to be fed those things in the dark.
He kept thanking me for the day, too, and told me that today would've sucked if it weren't for me. It's true, too...he would've stayed home and been sucked into work drama, and I know he needed the weekend and some joyful company. I'm all too happy to provide that service. I love listening to him sing, and it was just so nice to spend the whole day walking and holding hands. Le sigh. :)
Alright, I'm going to give him a quick call and then head to bed. Tomorrow's hike was called off, due to The Boy having more work stuff happening. He hopes to be done by mid-day, though, and he'll give me a call so we can go play and he can get relaxation in before he has to leave to go BACK to Florida on Monday. Poor guy...he really hates not being able to follow through on his plans, and work has been causing him to do that a lot this month.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's!
Hope you few readers have a good day today! I'll try to, even though I miss my Boy. Darn work sending him to least I'll get to see him this weekend for a hike. :)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
A Generally Happy Kitola
Last night was much fun.
The Boy and I went to this restaurant and bar called "The Blue Pheasant" for dinner and dancing....which I'd been to before, but had forgotten about. He really needed the outting after some very stressy/hectic three weeks at work ("The sky's been falling," as he puts it) and I've been feeling cabin feverish due to the cold that I'm FINALLY over (save for the annoying cough), so I poked around until I found something that said it had food and dancing. said this place had "Big band, swing, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's" music, and their website had said something about a wide range of dance music -- "from swing and ballroom to hip-hop and salsa, and even some good ol' rock and roll." So, I suggested it, and he agreed it sounded like a great idea. And I finally had a reason to break out my new swing dance dress!
Dinner was yummy, he had something they called a lamb steak, and I had the special of petrale (my very favorite fish) in crab sauce. He even offered to buy wine....I'm not much of a drinker, but I'll take some white zinfandel when it's offered. After deciding to pass on dessert (we couldn't even finish what we had), we went over to the bar/dancing part of it.
The dancing was very different than most other dancing I've done. First of all, it was pretty crowded when we started dancing (around 9, I think), probably due to the fact that there were two birthdays being celebrated, and most of these people were 35 or older. The music also wasn't really what I expected from the descriptions -- meaning, it was primarily disco and 80s music. Well, you'd be amazed by what you can swing dance to! Later on, it was so crowded you could barely move on the dance floor (at least with the couple-dancing we were doing....if you were just sorta spazz-dancing, I guess there was enough room) and it was freakishly LOUD. So, being the "boring" people we are, we called it a night at 10:30 and went back to The Boy's. Ha, best conversation happened in the car, though, as we marveled at the sound difference.
Him: .......It's quiet....
Me: ........Yeah...
Both: .......
Me: ...Except for the ringing in my ears.
Him: I was about to say that!
Back at his place...well, I'll say this: I'm a sucker for candles, soft music, and slow dancing in the dim lighting. ::Swoon::
As for less than happy things: The Boy's work decided he needs to be in Florida this week....and the latest flight out he could get was 7 in the morning on Sunday. So he's going to miss seeing my show. He really doesn't want to miss it and is really upset that the trip is not only messing up his plan to do that, but also that it's keeping him away on Valentine's Day. I'm completely bummed out too, but at least I know it isn't his fault and he would rather be here.
At least last night was exceptionally splendiferous. And having that memory, as well as knowing that The Boy had the fun night that he needed and deserved, is what makes me happy despite the sad stuff about Florida.
The Boy and I went to this restaurant and bar called "The Blue Pheasant" for dinner and dancing....which I'd been to before, but had forgotten about. He really needed the outting after some very stressy/hectic three weeks at work ("The sky's been falling," as he puts it) and I've been feeling cabin feverish due to the cold that I'm FINALLY over (save for the annoying cough), so I poked around until I found something that said it had food and dancing. said this place had "Big band, swing, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's" music, and their website had said something about a wide range of dance music -- "from swing and ballroom to hip-hop and salsa, and even some good ol' rock and roll." So, I suggested it, and he agreed it sounded like a great idea. And I finally had a reason to break out my new swing dance dress!
Dinner was yummy, he had something they called a lamb steak, and I had the special of petrale (my very favorite fish) in crab sauce. He even offered to buy wine....I'm not much of a drinker, but I'll take some white zinfandel when it's offered. After deciding to pass on dessert (we couldn't even finish what we had), we went over to the bar/dancing part of it.
The dancing was very different than most other dancing I've done. First of all, it was pretty crowded when we started dancing (around 9, I think), probably due to the fact that there were two birthdays being celebrated, and most of these people were 35 or older. The music also wasn't really what I expected from the descriptions -- meaning, it was primarily disco and 80s music. Well, you'd be amazed by what you can swing dance to! Later on, it was so crowded you could barely move on the dance floor (at least with the couple-dancing we were doing....if you were just sorta spazz-dancing, I guess there was enough room) and it was freakishly LOUD. So, being the "boring" people we are, we called it a night at 10:30 and went back to The Boy's. Ha, best conversation happened in the car, though, as we marveled at the sound difference.
Him: .......It's quiet....
Me: ........Yeah...
Both: .......
Me: ...Except for the ringing in my ears.
Him: I was about to say that!
Back at his place...well, I'll say this: I'm a sucker for candles, soft music, and slow dancing in the dim lighting. ::Swoon::
As for less than happy things: The Boy's work decided he needs to be in Florida this week....and the latest flight out he could get was 7 in the morning on Sunday. So he's going to miss seeing my show. He really doesn't want to miss it and is really upset that the trip is not only messing up his plan to do that, but also that it's keeping him away on Valentine's Day. I'm completely bummed out too, but at least I know it isn't his fault and he would rather be here.
At least last night was exceptionally splendiferous. And having that memory, as well as knowing that The Boy had the fun night that he needed and deserved, is what makes me happy despite the sad stuff about Florida.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Some Pics!
Still don't have the full costume pictures from The Boy's camera, but by poking around on Flickr, I found us in the background! You can see my cool black and white dress, my hair that I was sooo proud of putting up myself, and my ever handsome Boy waltzing with me. :)

And these aren't from the Edwardian Ball....but here are a few pictures taken at the Wassail Party back on Jan. 6th.

This one isn't the best picture of me, but I love The Boy's face.

That's all I have for right now! I'm gonna go to bed a little early. I'm battling a cold at the moment. Enjoy the pictures!
Oh, here's one more of my Jitterbug costume for Wizard of Oz. I was killing time between scenes reading "32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny." Very good book, written by The Boy's 3rd grade teacher, actually! Green Spandex is just so flattering. :P
And these aren't from the Edwardian Ball....but here are a few pictures taken at the Wassail Party back on Jan. 6th.
This one isn't the best picture of me, but I love The Boy's face.
That's all I have for right now! I'm gonna go to bed a little early. I'm battling a cold at the moment. Enjoy the pictures!
Oh, here's one more of my Jitterbug costume for Wizard of Oz. I was killing time between scenes reading "32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny." Very good book, written by The Boy's 3rd grade teacher, actually! Green Spandex is just so flattering. :P
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